Grades 8-12
8 days
TiE Young Entrepreneurs (TYE) is a global program run by The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) aimed at fostering a future generation of entrepreneurs by teaching high school students (Grades 9-12 or equivalent) the rewards and challenges of becoming an Entrepreneur.
The program consists of 2 months of classroom sessions (Sunday, 1/2 day) on Entrepreneurship and Leadership and various aspects of setting up and running a successful business venture. The students then brainstorm a business idea and prepare a plan for a Business Competition under the guidance of an assigned Mentor, a CEO/ senior professional from the Industry. Teams then compete at the chapter level and the winning team will have the opportunity to compete at TYE Global Finals for a cash prize and recognition
Bugs, Passions & Solutions
Customer Empathy, Design Thinking
Skill Assessment, Team Building
Startup Math
Lean Canvas Business Model
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